20 Mindset Hacks & Tools as We Head into the New Year (Series One: 1-5)
Updated: Jan 13, 2020
As we head into the new year and new year's resolutions, I'm excited to launch a 4-week series on mindset hacks & tools.
My context of mindset comes mostly from my personal, client, and teammate experiences regarding physical & financial goals. While these two categories make up most people's resolutions, even if your goals don't fall within these spaces, I think you'll find value in at least one of the mindset hacks & tools I'll be sharing over the next four weeks. The following is a ‘brain-dump’ regarding my 5-year mental arsenal of personal development exposure & practical application. I've done my best to cite sources, and then I add my personal take. If a concept doesn’t have a source attached to it, I do not necessarily take personal credit for it.
Call to Action:
Each week, I invite you to try one or two mindset hacks & tools on for size. Not everything is for everyone, but perhaps at least one concept will make the difference for you this year!
1. The fact that something has occurred a certain way in the past, may have little to do with how it can/will occur in the future.
With weight loss for instance, I hear people say they've tried this & that, and nothing works. Well, if that's where you’re focusing and what you truly believe, then you might just be right! (There'll be more on the power of belief in a subsequent mindset post.) I encourage my clients to recommit NOW, rather than focusing on what’s occurred in the past. When we live in the past, we may live in excuses, shame, and negativity. When we live in positivity and in the now, we can create anew. And then better yet, think into the future! Imagine your present thoughts, choices, successes leading you to your future goal(s). You’ve heard it before but let me remind you… your past does not define you, your present, or your future.
2. Consider what truly happened (facts), how we fill in what didn’t happen (stories), and then how we treat those stories as facts.
When I took this on, I saw how I was self-sabotaging by incorrectly assuming things, reading into things, incorrectly deducing, etc., rather than working with actual facts. Consider if something is an actual fact (I didn't reach my goal). Or is something actually a story (So, I'm a failure). I hope in doing this, you’ll find that our seemingly automatic stories can be untrue/not factual, and therefore serve no purpose. Working with facts leads to successes. Start by bringing your awareness to how you might automatically react to actual facts, then consider that those reactionary thoughts & subsequent feelings, i.e., stories, don't serve you or your ability to achieve your goals. This is something I continue to work on. Again, working with facts leads to successes.
Source: Landmark Worldwide
3. Who do you have to be (what traits & habits must you possess) to get what it is you need/want?
Maybe your resolution is to make $100,000 in 2020. There are some traits & habits that people who make $100,000+ do every day, week, month, etc. These include both physical & mental items. Learn what people do/did and think/thought who've already achieved the specific goal you want to achieve. Thankfully, many people are willing to share what they’ve learned & implemented. Then do/think that (or a version of that that serves you specifically), consistently. Commit to applying most, if not all, of the traits & habits that have worked for someone who's achieved your desired goal. Be empowered by your choice to do this and believe it will work!
Note: Do the above without comparing your journey to another's. This is about implementing systems & processes on a consistent basis, not comparing whether your journey looks just like your mentors, or whoever. Stay positive by learning & applying, but not comparing. Comparative/negative spaces are difficult spaces in which to create & achieve a goal.
Sources: Coach Celena Leon & Author Brendon Burchard (High Performance Habits)
4. Action… just start! Procrastination is the thief of joy.
Many people get stuck in an inaction rut. Then they feel bad about not being in action. So, they're still not in action and they're self-shaming. AH! I recently posted on social media about "the process" being trustworthy. In order to go from A to Z, we must experience the growth & feels of B to Y. Matthew Kelly talks about procrastination in his book, Resisting Happiness. He says when we procrastinate, we aren't getting into action over something that will eventually bring us happiness. Think about it... working out, cleaning your home, creating a business plan, calling your "chicken list." All of these items will eventually bring about a better situation for us, happiness. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but just start! As one of my mentors says: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. But you must take the first bite. Another thing about action is it can be self-propelling. When you finally get into action, you create momentum! So, don't stop, keep going!
Source: Author Matthew Kelly
5. Accountability partner(s) are a powerful tool in reaching our goals.
This is one of my favorite parts about my work, so I have a lot of say about it!
Effective accountability partners don’t need to be someone you know well; sometimes an acquaintance is even better since they don’t know the “you” you were before you had your goal (someone you know well might also bring their own limiting beliefs into the space). I’ve found it to be helpful if we’re each holding one another accountable for something, rather than a one-way form of contribution/accountability. I'd also recommend being clear from the beginning how your accountability partner can best serve you... which method of communication works best for you, how often will you touch base, how would you like them to respond if you don't respond to a communication or when you don't do what you've said you'd do (because that will likely happen).
In choosing an effective accountability partner, look for good communicators (speaking & listening), someone with integrity (they do what they say they’re going to do a large portion of the time), they care about people and therefore you, and they’ll challenge you… hold you accountable! Additionally, in my experience with physical & financial goals, knowing my clients’ & teammates’ WHY is crucial to effectively holding someone accountable. It's the driving force behind the what & how as it relates to a goal. (There'll be more on the power of WHY in a subsequent mindset post.)
Summary and Call to Action:
Out of these five mindset hacks & tools: 1) present & future thinking, rather than relying on the past; 2) distinguishing & benefiting from facts v. stories; 3) learning & implementing traits & habits of successful people; 4) just start, get into action; and 5) using an accountability partner, choose one or two when reaching your goal(s) or your new year's resolution(s). Thankfully, there's not only one way to do something. In the next four weeks, I'll be sharing 15 more mindset hacks & tools to support you and your goals!