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A Mom’s Prayer for Peace in our Hearts, Homes & Schools

Writer's picture: Monica B. StaleyMonica B. Staley

I was born in 1985. When I think back to my school-age years, I remember some kids teasing and bullying other kids, but overall, I felt undoubtedly safe at school. Since then, the world has changed. But Jesus is the same!

Fast forward to 2021, despite having true faith my entire life, when I became a mom, I became filled with worry and fear. From the aftermath of infertility and a post-pandemic world, to unmet (unrealistic!) expectations of motherhood, the trap of comparison, having twins, and my son being born with several health issues, worry and fear consumed me. I found myself seeking Google more than seeking God. Since fear isn’t from the Lord, when my kids were 18 months old, I finally came to my knees before Jesus. I prayed, “Lord, I’ve been trying to do this by myself; please take this worry and fear from me.” I asked my small group to pray for me too. The next morning, while the challenges of motherhood still existed, I felt a peace I’d never known as a mom.

I prayed, “Lord, I’ve been trying to do this by myself; please take this worry and fear from me.”

After my prayer for peace, I had a “divine download” from the Lord to seek similar experiences from other Christian moms. From the importance of knowing (and actually feeling like!) we’re not alone in the worldly challenges of Christian motherhood, testimonies also remind us that we are enough as mothers… through Him and through one another. I pray these excerpts from Her Prayer for Peace on community, prayer, and reliance on God, bless you and your family, too!

Christian Mom Friends:
Be One, Have Many

Jill is in her 60s with three adult children. “What kept me sane was surrounding myself with other women who were in the throes or had experienced motherhood. This nurtured my soul and kept me from being unrealistic in my expectations of motherhood.” 

Alyssa’s in her 30s with four children, toddlers to school-age. She affirms, “None of us is interdependent. It is a lie of the enemy that tells us we can’t trust the good people in our world.”

We are to receive prayer from, and also be prayer warriors for, other Christian moms and their children!

Growing Your Prayer Life
Because You’re a Mother

I often thank my children for being the reason I strive, day after day, to rely on the Lord more than myself, through prayer. We cannot mother our kids for Him, without Him! Beth’s in her 60s with three adult children. “I cannot encourage you enough to dig into the Word daily. Put Jesus first and listen to Him. He wants this time with you to feed you, guide you, and nurture your motherhood journey in His quiet, loving grace and mercy. I remember the days I let that time go, skipping it in order to meet the needs of a hectic day, I would always feel disconnected somewhat and not fully present, nor capable of meeting the demands of the day. Times with Jesus are still like air to my lungs. I encourage younger moms to embrace this as well. You’ll never regret it!”

Jesus wants this time with you to feed you, guide you, and nurture your motherhood journey in His quiet, loving grace and mercy.

I know you’re busy! But we must trust that the Lord can do more than we “alone” can do in a day. Mama, try 15 minutes of reading the Bible, a devotional like Her Prayer for Peace, or studies on the Bible app. If you struggle with daily prayer, ask the Lord to help you create time with Him. Then ask a Christian mom friend to help hold you accountable!

Influences at School &
The Power of Compassion

Angela’s in her 40s with two school-age children. “Being steadfast in rearing children to live by the precious commandments and messages from God, with the hurts and daily delusions inflicted on my sons by their peers, feels like an impossible goal. “Kill them with kindness” and “turn the other cheek” mentality are all too often lost while also teaching my boys to stand up for themselves and be strong leaders and good friends. It is a delicate dance. Jesus is my ever partner. Sometimes, my dance moves lead me down a more unforgiving and malicious train of thought, thrusting me into mama bear mode as I see my boys harmed by the colorful ways Satan presents himself in school-aged children.”

“Then Jesus moves in with His beautiful steps to redirect me. I can literally feel Him take over and guide me back to peace, love, and a more understanding place. It is then that my sons and I pray for peace and love to enter the hearts and minds of these bullies who are inevitably found in so many aspects of daily life. When we pray for those who torment us, rather than retaliate, the presence of Jesus in prayer turns our anger, frustration, and pain into compassion. It is miraculous.”

Personal, family, and community prayer help us experience God’s wisdom, guidance, and peace no matter what grade our kids are in. Through Christian community, prayer, and reliance on Him, we can experience God’s peace as mothers. God loves our kids beyond comprehension. We must trust Him and His perfect will.

Pray With Me

Lord, I pray that You will bring us to our knees for You. Take our worries and fears. Help us to experience the strength, confidence, and peace of the Holy Spirit in our homes and schools. Equip us through prayer, Your Word, and community for our children, as we rely on You more, Lord. Thank You for blessing us with motherhood. We love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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